We are more than halfway through the 2022-23 academic year at Diversity Role Models and I’m so pleased with the work we have been doing in schools all over the country. Demand for face-to-face workshops increases all the time and the stories our role models tell during the anti-bullying workshops are making a profound difference to pupils and students every day. This year we expect to reach our highest number of students at around 30,000.
In LGBT+ History Month, we launched a new partnership with the PA Consulting Foundation to adapt our workshops for FE colleges with a particular emphasis on students in engineering, construction, and IT. These young people, many of whom are readying for work, will discover how much emphasis employers now place on inclusion and positive attitudes towards colleagues and customers who are different. As well as promoting our message ‘be an Upstander not a Bystander’ workshops will also explore the range of protections that employees have should bullying occur in the workplace.
Furthermore, workshops will look at the support of LGBTQ+ networks within employers and how they can promote inclusion. I am delighted that PA Consulting employees are volunteering to role model in these workshops. Their real-life experience will add value to the young students preparing for the world of work. Their LGBTQ+ lived experiences will demonstrate the many obstacles that minority groups sometimes must overcome but also how being yourself at work helps you achieve your full potential.
We will be delivering 26 days of workshops with half in Manchester and half in London. We are always interested in hearing from FE Colleges, Apprenticeship Providers and other 16-19 educational settings. If you’d like to know more, please email Kate@diversityrolemodels.org
As always my sincerest thanks to all our volunteers, corporate supporters, donors schools and colleges for their tireless commitment to inclusive education and a kinder future.