We educate for inclusion. Our education services are developed in collaboration with leading educators and inclusion experts and aim to embed inclusion and empathy. Our delivery model is adaptable to the specific challenges and needs of schools and organisations.
Workshops are interactive, educational and delivered by a highly qualified facilitator.
The signature highlight of each workshop is hearing from LGBTQ+ or ally Role Models about their lived experiences.
We offer a range of services focused on specific support, from our whole school package to primary or secondary workshops. We also provide a range of primary and secondary resources that are available to download for free.
Book or request more information Try some free resources"If someone were being bullied for being different I would tell the bully we are all unique and beautiful in our own way, you may not agree with it but at least respect it"
- Year 5 Student
We Work In Partnership With...

Sex Education Forum
The Sex Education Forum is a national charity, registered in England and Wales.
Established in 1987, the Sex Education Forum is unique collaboration of organisations and
individuals working directly or indirectly to provide high quality RSE for all children and young people in England.
Their core belief is that ALL children and young people are entitled to good quality relationships and sex education (RSE) in a variety of settings.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
They are a unique coalition of organisations and individuals, working together to achieve our vision to: stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.
They provide expertise in relation to all forms of bullying between children and young people. The Anti-Bullying Alliance was established by the NSPCC and the National Children's Bureau in 2002 and is hosted by the National Children's Bureau.
As a Core Member we are recognised as an organisations with a substantial remit in tackling bullying.