There are many reasons why businesses of all sizes partner with Diversity Role Models. Here is just a few of them...

1. Proven Impact

Diversity Role Models Impact Reports show that we effectively combat LGBTQ+ bullying and promote inclusivity in schools. Our track record includes measurable successes and efficient resource utilisation.

2. Transparency and Accountability

We are a registered charity and maintain transparency through clear governance and Annual Financial Reports, ensuring responsible donation management.

3. Community Engagement

We operate nationally and on a local level. With regional hubs, we strengthen community ties, allowing businesses to support specific regions or demographics.

4. Employee Engagement

We offer volunteering and fundraising opportunities to partner employees, and welcome the opportunity to engage with colleagues, events, and networks.

5. Past Collaborations

We have a rich history of collaborating with organisations of all sizes and from a wide range of sectors. From multi-year funding to small business local campaigns, we welcome all support.

6. Financial Stability

With a diversified funding base and an experienced Board of Directors, businesses can be sure of the effective use of contributions.

7. Branding and Recognition

We welcome joint branding opportunities and are keen to collaborate in public partnership events and branding campaigns.

8. Long-Term Vision

We want to see an end to LGBTQ+ bullying and therefore have short, medium and long-term goals to help us achieve this by investing in educating the generations to come.