Partner With Diversity Role Models
Diversity Role Models welcomes partnerships with both large and small organisations from across a wide spectrum of services whose values align with our own.
What Partner Support Helps Tackle
The effects of loneliness, isolation and bullying on LGBTQ+ young people can impact academic attainment and life prospects.
Almost half (46%) of LGBT+ school students in England do not feel safe to be themselves at school, a study has revealed. – Pink News, 2020
Almost three-quarters (70%) of LGBTQ+ young people questioned in the survey said their mental health has worsened during the Covid outbreak – only half of non-LGBTQ+ young people said the same. –BBC News, 2021
"DRM is a great organisation which we are delighted to be one of their corporate partners. The work and support they do with young people is amazing and empowering. They provide an amazing platform for LGBTQIA+ and ally role models to share their own stories which will help generations to come!"
- Anonymous Corporate Partner, Nominating DRM for a National Diversity Award

What Partner Support Helps Deliver
Diversity Role Models workshops, training, and LGBTQ+ inclusive resources help LGBTQ+ youth feel less alone while equipping young people with the knowledge and compassion to become ‘upstanders’ rather than ‘bystanders’ when they witness anti-LGBTQ+ bullying.
"LGBTQ+ students in our area face a lot of social isolation. Funded work provided by Diversity Role Models gave us the opportunity to start to make our school that safe place that these children need."
– Deputy Head, North Durham Academy
Read some of the top reasons for partnering with Diversity Role Models here.
Plus, find out more about the opportunities for partnering with Diversity Role Models and Download our Partner Opportunities document in PDF format to read, print or circulate.