As Results Day arrives, we’re excited to share our ‘End of Year School Report’ for the 2023-2024 school year. The report illustrates the fantastic results our invaluable volunteer Role Models and Facilitators have had in tackling bullying in classrooms across the UK over the last year. Our volunteer’s hard work and impactful results reinforce the vital role they play in creating more inclusive and accepting school environments.

Diversity Role Models End Of Year School Report 2023/24
A Year of Incredible Impact
During the 2023-2024 academic year, Diversity Role Models reached new heights in our mission to embed empathy, understanding, and acceptance of difference in schools. We delivered workshops in 268 schools, impacting over 45,323 of students through over 1,389 student workshops. A dedicated team of 95 Role Models and 11 Facilitators worked tirelessly, bringing their personal stories and educational expertise into classrooms to create safe spaces for discussion and learning.
Our most engaged Role Model volunteered for an incredible 69 student workshops, while our most dedicated Facilitator ran 63 workshops, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to our cause. Their efforts, alongside those of all our other volunteers, did not go unnoticed.
Our upcoming Impact Report records how an overwhelming 100% of school staff rated our Role Models and Facilitators as ‘excellent,’ with 96% of teachers rating the workshop content as ‘excellent’ as well.
The Power of Storytelling
The impact of these workshops is best expressed by the students themselves. One student from the South East shared,
"I feel more comfortable at school now as I know how to show that I'm a part of the community and how people think of it."
Another student from London remarked,
"If I see someone bullying, I’d be an upstander, someone who does something, rather than a bystander."
Pupils also remarked on how our workshops had encouraged them to be braver in standing up for those who might suffer from bullying because of their perceive ‘difference’. A young person from the North East stated:
“The problem is that the majority of us who do not use prejudice language do not call it out when we hear it. We ignore it. I've learned that this is not enough as people could be really suffering while I walk on by. I think I could be a bit braver now.”
These testimonials highlight the deep and lasting effects our programs have on the students, helping them to feel supported and more confident in their own identities.
Join Our Mission
As we reflect on the past year’s achievements, we are reminded of the ongoing need for volunteers who are passionate about making a difference. Whether you’re interested in becoming a Role Model and sharing your story in classrooms, facilitating workshops, or offering your time and expertise in other capacity, your involvement is crucial to our work.
Diversity Role Models is more than just a charity —it’s a community dedicated to ensuring every young person feels valued and supported, no matter their background or identity. As we move forward, we invite you to become part of our wonderful community of volunteers working towards inclusion of those who are considered ‘different’ and the ending of LGBTQ+ bullying.

To learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference, visit our volunteer page here, or contact us directly at